Grant Portfolio > Walt Whitman Birthplace Association

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Walt Whitman Birthplace Association

On May 31, 2019, WWBA hosted a day full of revelries featuring music, performances, and a scholarly lecture. Later that day, Whitman enthusiasts for a “Happy Birthday Hour” toast in honor of his 200th Birthday. Compagnia de' Colombari, an international collective of performing artists founded and directed by Karin Coonrodpresents More Or Less I Am: a music-theater piece drawn entirely from Walt Whitman’s revolutionary poem, “Song of Myself”.The celebration continued on June 1. At 5PM there was a performance of Multitudes written by Valerie Haugen Nuzzo and Kim Nuzzo, at the Birthplace. The hourlong drama, with Kim Nuzzo as Whitman, recounts Whitman’s life — his time as a journalist, his struggles with his sexuality, and his transformative time as a nurse during the Civil War. WWBA also hosted the Whitman Family Reunion in July, and George Mallis, designer of the new Interpretive Center exhibit, as a special speaker. The Walt Whitman International Conference, showcasing scholarly treatises from around the globe and featuring keynote speaker Ed Folsom PhD., from August 9-11.The Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation generously funded Compagnia de’ Colombari’s performance, the refurbishing of WWBA’s Interpretive Center exhibit, and Ed Folsom PhD. as a keynote speaker during Walt Whitman International Conference.





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