Foundation News
George Gurney is a recent graduate of Oyster Bay High School. During his time in attendance, he served as the President of Rho Kappa, the Social Studies National Honors Society, Vice President of the Science National Honors Society, and Epee Captain of the Boys Varsity Fencing Team. He was named to Nassau County All Stars Boys Epee Fencing. He was also an active member of Mock Trial, Model UN, and National Honor Society. He became an Eagle Scout with Troop 253. During his time as Boy Scout, he has served in many leadership roles. Most recently, he was a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. His Eagle Scout Project involved converting a pond into a turtle exhibit for the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium by planting hundreds of native plants and installing a 200 ft barrier around it. He has volunteered at the Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery & Aquarium for over four years. His volunteering has led him to earn two National President's Volunteer Service Awards. George has received a number of honors including the Long Island Council for Social Studies Award, Theodore Roosevelt Association Award, and was selected by the Theodore Roosevelt Council as this year's recipient of the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year. George will attend Michigan State University, in the Honors College and James Madison College, where he will continue his passion for History.