Foundation News Archive 2023
With thanks to the Robert David Lion Gardner Foundation, MANY is thrilled to announce 14 scholarships available for museum professionals employed by museums and historical societies on Long Island, including Brooklyn and Queens, with an annual operating budget of $250,000 or less to attend Giving Voice to Value 2024 annual conference in Albany, NY.
Scholarship includes conference registration, one workshop or special event registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $400 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
Applications are due by 5 PM Friday, December 8, 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the 2024 conference scholarships, please email

MANY is thrilled to announce 27 scholarship opportunities available for museum professionals to attend Giving Voice to Value 2024 annual conference in Albany, NY.
You may be eligible to apply for multiple scholarships but only one scholarship will be awarded.
Please note that additional scholarships may become available. Check and watch your inbox for updates.
BIPOC Museum Professional in Museum Administration
Awarded to a Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color working in museum administration who has played a leadership role in advancing the capacity and sustainability of their museum. Scholarship includes conference registration, one workshop or special event registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $150 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
Cassetti Annual Conference Scholarship
Awarded to a museum professional who has demonstrated creative leadership and has affected significant, positive change in the ways in which their museum engages with audiences. Scholarship includes conference registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $150 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
William G. Pomeroy Foundation
Ten scholarships sponsored by the William G. Pomeroy Foundation for museum professionals working in a history-related NYS museum with an annual operating budget of $250,000 or less and who have not attended a MANY annual conference in the past five years. Scholarship includes conference registration, one workshop or special event registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $400 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
Robert D. L. Gardiner Foundation
Fourteen scholarships sponsored by the Robert D. L. Gardiner Foundation for museum professionals employed by museums and historical societies on Long Island, including Brooklyn and Queens, with an annual operating budget of $250,000 or less. Scholarship includes conference registration, one workshop or special event registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $400 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
Museum Professional in a Facilities Position
Sponsored by Fireline Corporation, this scholarship is awarded to a museum professional working in a facilities position at a NYS museum. Scholarship includes conference registration, one workshop or special event registration, two nights at the Hilton Albany, up to $400 transportation/parking reimbursement, and complimentary individual MANY membership for one year.
Applications are due by 5 PM Friday, December 8, 2023.
If you have any questions regarding the 2024 conference scholarships, please email

In collaboration with the NYS Preservation League, RDLGF is pleased to announce the return of in-person Technical Assistance Grant Workshops at two Long Island sites. Open to historic stewards this event also offers 1.5 CE Credits to Architects through the NYS Education Department.
Monday, September 18 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM
North Shore Land Alliance Tavern House at the Humes Preserve
347 Oyster Bay Road, Mill Neck, NY 11765
Join the Preservation League at the historic Tavern House at the North Shore Land Alliance Hume Preserve to learn how the Land Alliance used their TAG grant to leverage funds to restore the house and transform it into their headquarters. There will be time for Q&A and for exploring the Preserve. Parking is available in the Humes Preserve Parking Lot. Light refreshments will be provided. Free.
Pre-registration required.
Tuesday, September 26 from 10:00 AM – Noon
The Naugles Barn at the Hallockville Museum Farm
6038 Sound Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901
Spend a morning on the farm learning about the Preservation League's Technical Assistance Grants. See how Hallockville used their TAG grant to launch their adaptive reuse project for their barn. The project, which will start in late 2024, will transform the Naugles Barn into a vibrant community space and become an income-producing venue for both private and public events which will help secure the future of Hallockville. The program will take place in the Naugles Barn which is not yet heated or air conditioned; please dress for the weather. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided. Free.
Pre-registration required.
Learn more and pre-register today at:

The Board of Trustees of the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation is pleased to announce the initiation of our third year of offering to our historic community for 2023:
The Gardiner Young Scholars Program
This opportunity is available to Long Island historical societies.
It requires the completion of 100 hours of service to a historic society accompanied by a stipend of $1,500.00 to be paid to the Scholar.
Gardiner Youth Scholar candidates are selected at the discretion of the individual historical society which oversees their hours and activities.
Candidates must be between the ages of 15 to 22.
To apply for this RDLGF award organizations must submit a hard copy letter of request along with:
• An IRS determination letter establishing them as a 501c3 (3 year minimum);
• A copy of their mission statement;
At the completion of the GYS term the historical society is required to submit a short video presentation created by the scholar on their experience, along with a time sheet showing the hours worked by the scholar, a letter from the historical society describing the work performed by the scholar and a copy of the cancelled check paying the scholar.
Hard copy requests must be received by June 23, 2023.
The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation
30 West Main Street
Suite 309
Riverhead, NY 11901
Attention: The Gardiner Young Scholars Program

Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation Grant Workshop
Wednesday, January 18th 2023 - 8:30 to 4:00
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724
Burying Grounds Preservation Group, Zachary Studenroth
Cold Storing Harbor Laboratory, Dr. Ludmilla Pollock
Digital Tapestry, Noel Gish Jr.
Greater Hudson Heritage Network, Priscilla Brendler
Long Island University: Digitizing Long Island, Dr. Gregrory Hunter
New York Landmarks Conservancy: Sacred Sites, Ann Friedman
Preservation League of New York, Janna Rudler
Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, Kathryn M. Curran
No Cost to Attendees. Light breakfast and Lunch included.
Organizations who have not applied for a Gardiner Grant will have attendance priority
RSVP by Jan. 13 to