Foundation News
The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation celebrated their local 2022 Second Round Grantees at the historic Ketchum Inn.
Bert Seides, the Executive Director of the Ketchum Inn Foundation hosted a luncheon for 22 representatives from the Long Island historic community.
At the event, the individual grant contracts were signed and awards were made.
Introduction to the Ketchum Inn and the story of its restoration were shared by Mr. Seides.
He then introduced The Honorable Peter Fox Cohalan, Suffolk County Historian and RDLGF Board member, who spoke to the mission of the RDLG Foundation.
Kathryn M. Curran, Executive Director of the Robert David Lion Gardiner, welcomed the attendees and praised their shared excellence in promoting Long Island’s regional history.
Ketchum Inn educator, Diane Schwindt, prepared an incredible period lunch on the 1700’s kitchen hearth of the Inn.
The Ketchum Inn staff and volunteers created a festive, delicious and informative afternoon celebration.
Remaining RDLGF 2022 Second Round Grantees will be hosted by New York State Archives in Albany, NY. Awards will be made to the Museum Association of New York, the New York Preservation League and the New York Archives Partnership Trust.
The entire 2022 yearly RDLGF Awards totaled $4,515,390